Just like Facebook, Orkut is also having the SHARE buttons now to share the content of any website with your Orkut friends. It can be really helpful to drive nice amount of traffic to your blog or website as Orkut is one of the major Social Networking site around the world.
Here I am gonna tell you that how to add the Orkut Share buttons in your Blogger or Wordpress blog to drive more traffic to your blogs.
Adding Orkut share link to Blogger blog
1. Goto Blogger dashboard of your blog.
2. Goto Layout tab, click “Edit Html”
3. Check the “Expand Widget Templates” checkbox
4. Locate
<div class='post-footer'>in the template.
5. Just below the above code, paste any of the below code snippet, and save the template.
To Default Orkut Share Button
<script>var orkutShare = {
url : '<data:post.url/>',
title: '<data:post.title/>'
To Use Orkut Share Button With Custom Image
<script>var orkutShare = {
url : '<data:post.url/>',
title: '<data:post.title/>',
customImage : 'http://i48.tinypic.com/9urbs9.png'
You can use your own Image by providing the Image url in the above code (In the place of http://i48.tinypic.com/9urbs9.png)
Adding Orkut share link to WordPress blog
Paste the following code on your single.php file, within the loop:
<a <br="" href="http://promote.orkut.com/preview?nt=orkut.com&tt=%3C?php%20the_title();?%3E&du=%3C?php%20the_permalink();?%3E"> target="_blank">Share on Orkut</a>
Instead of “Share on Orkut” text, you can use any image, like,
<a <br="" href="http://promote.orkut.com/preview?nt=orkut.com&tt=%3C?php%20the_title();?%3E&du=%3C?php%20the_permalink();?%3E"> target="_blank">
<img border="0" src="http://code.google.com/apis/orkut/docs/images/share.gif" />
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