iPad is now world's most popular tablet but there are lots of jokes also being circulated on the internet about this gadget of Apple. Below are the few of the best jokes on Apple iPad
Click on the images to enlarge them
1. iMaxi

2. iPod Touch 2G + Mushroom = iPad

3. The New iPad Camera

4. Multitasking iPad

5. iPad – iSpade

6. iPad – Expensive Bulky iPhone

7. iPhad

8. iPad Vs. Blu-Tack

9. iPad Nano

10. iLame

11. iPad Future

12. Apple iPad Advertising: 35% Superlative Garbage

13. A Comparative Chart Between Two Tablets

14. iGotaBigAssPocket Concept

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Click on the images to enlarge them
1. iMaxi

2. iPod Touch 2G + Mushroom = iPad

3. The New iPad Camera

4. Multitasking iPad

5. iPad – iSpade

6. iPad – Expensive Bulky iPhone

7. iPhad

8. iPad Vs. Blu-Tack

9. iPad Nano

10. iLame

11. iPad Future

12. Apple iPad Advertising: 35% Superlative Garbage

13. A Comparative Chart Between Two Tablets

14. iGotaBigAssPocket Concept

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