Facebook is one of the most popular social networking site and one of the most used feature of Facebook is the Facebook Chat. By default, Facebook is having a smiley icon set which you can use to while chatting with your friends as Emoticons. But do you now that you can also include anyone's Facebook profile pic in the Facebook Chat?
You can add the profile pic of any Facebook user, page or event in the Facebook chat. All you have to do for that is to follow the steps given below.
Also Check :
Facebook Smileys & Emoticons Collection
Full Collection Of Twitter, Facebook Symbols And Icons

HOW TO : Add Profile Pics In Facebook Chat As Smiley
1. Go to the Facebook profile of any user, Facebook page or event.
2. Check the URL in the address bar of your browser. Look for the Facebook username or profile id at the end of the URL like Shaan.Haider.ND or 100000702887765 at the end of http:://www.facebook.com/Shaan.Haider.ND or http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000702887765 respectively.
3. Now just copy the Facebook username or the profile id and paste it within double bracket like [[Shaan.Haider.ND]] or [[100000702887765]]
4. Just enter this into the Facebook chat while having a conversation and it will appear as the profile picture of the person,page or event you have selected.
Below is the Facebook username of few of the popular profiles on the Facebook. You can use them on your Facebook Chat.
- Badass – (Chuck Norris) [[46637413257]]
- Eloquence - [[WilliamShakespeare1]]
- Pirate - [[CaptainJackSparrow]]
- President, leadership - [[barackobama]]
- Bro - [[DJPAULYD]]
- Male attractiveness - (Ryan Gosling) [[246631252031491]]
- Boyishness – [[JustinBieber]]
- Relaxation - [[BobMarley]]
- Condescension, judgment - [[simoncowell]]
- Adventure, auto theft – [[VinDiesel]]
- Brilliance, controversial brilliance – [[Zuck]]
- Loudmouth - [[theuncrunched]]
- Greed - [[DonaldTrump]]
- Drunk – (David Hasselhoff) [[123670240998921]]
- Santa Claus - [[TheMagicOfSantaClaus]]
- Terrible art - [[Nickelback]]
- Winning – [[CharlieSheen]]
- Disapproval – Fry from Futurama [[[278104690058]]
Below is the image where you can see that how these profile pics will appear in your Facebook chat.

Soon, I will make a post to tell you all that how you can add Rage and Troll faces in the Facebook chat. So, keep visiting for more stuff.
Imgaes: FBUpdates.com