Video blogging is huge now, with the rise of YouTube and the social use of the web taking an ever increasing role in our entertainment. If you’re a budding ‘Vlogger’ then here are some helpful tips on creating the perfect videos and getting a following!

Top 5 Tips To Record The Perfect Video Blog
Don’t Waffle
No one wants to hear someone ramble about life for half an hour, so keep it short and to the point. Summarise your main points before you record the video and see how you can succinctly get in all the main things you want to talk about. Try to avoid adding in filler and try to keep your viewers engaged.
Use Music and Effects
Don’t sit there and talk for 15 minutes, do something interesting in terms of editing. Learn some basic video effects and also find the might stock music to go on top of the video. You can’t just steal someone else’s music, so visit somewhere like Audio Network to find music that you’re allowed to use for videos. Adding effects and music into the mix will make the video seem a lot more professional.
Offer Something Unique
Don’t just cover what everyone has already covered. Be a little unique and perhaps pick a niche that you can talk about with confidence. Once you offer something that can’t be found elsewhere, you will gain a slow and steady following. It can be hard to be a little different, but it can be done and there are specialist topics out there just waiting to be talked about, so why don’t you cover them?
Don’t Expect People Will Find It
This is a common problem with video blogs, as many people just assume that if they stick it on YouTube then the world will find it and love it. This is generally not the case and there a few things you can do to help promote your video. Firstly use the correct tags with the video based on what you think people will be searching for to find your video. Write a good description of it, and optimise it for the search results so it appears as high as possible. If people don’t know who you are, shout less about your ‘brand’ and more about that categories and genres your videos fall into.
Use Calls To Action
These can be encouraging people to ‘like’ or share your video with others across the network, or even to tweet it out to their friends. A call to action can also ask your viewers to rate the video, and importantly subscribe to future attempts. Getting channel subscribers who are loyal is a great way to get people back viewing and sharing your new videos.
If you’re creating a video, then stock music is the perfect addition to a video blog when you want to set the mood and tone. Audio Network has a huge selection of stock and production music for video.