Notification are an important part of the smartphone as they let you know that an instant message, missed call, SMS or warning message is waiting for you to check them. You will find that feature is available in most of the Android smartphone but there are many smartphone which lacks this features.
Due to this, sometimes it causes inconvenience to users specially to the ones who are used to of LED notification feature. But if your Android phone is not having this feature, there is a workaround solution available as smartphone apps too.
There are some apps available which you can use to turn on the flash whenever there is notification of any kind on your smartphone. This can be very useful and it will serve the same purpose as the LED notification. The only difference is that you will have to use third-party apps and it will be a bit more battery consuming as the camera flash are usually more powerful that notification LED.
There are many nice Android apps available to perform this task. You can find few of them below using which you will be able to use the camera flash on your phone as notification indicator. If you are Samsung or LG smartphone user then, chances are high that you will get this feature already available in the Settings of your phone. The instructions for those devices is also given below.
1. Go to Settings.
2. ow go to "My Device" and then tap on "Accessibility" to open it.
3. Look for the "Flash Notification" and turn it on
1. Go to Settings and then to "Accessibility".
2. Under the Accessibility, you will find the "Hearing" option. Tap on it to access it.
3. Now go to the "Flash Alerts" and turn it on.
Regardless of your phone's brand and model, the Accessibility options in Settings menu is where you should look first for any flash notification option. If the option is not available there, you can make your phone's camera LED flash when calls are incoming using the below apps made specially for this purpose and to many other useful functions.
You get features like incoming call flash, SMS flash, Missed Call / unread SMS flash, repeat notification and flash when a new notification arrives in selected app like Whatsapp, Email, Twitter, Alarm/Clock, Messenger or any other app
It comes with features like Time based or Repetitive, Flash notification for more instant messaging apps, like Viber, Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp etc., flash only when phone is locked option, disable flash on call with volume buttons, option to disable flash if battery is low and much more
Flash Light Alerts is pretty much similar to Call Flash: Alert on Call-SMS in terms of features and provide lots of customization to the users.
Flash Notification 2 let you use the flash for notification with features like separated flash between Notification apps, Incoming call and SMS / MMS.
Flash Alerts 2 turn on the camera flash on your Android smartphone when you receive a call or new text message. The flash will blink whenever there is incoming call or SMS. You can also regulate blinking frequency. There are more features available in the pro version of this Android app which you can use for better experience.
Due to this, sometimes it causes inconvenience to users specially to the ones who are used to of LED notification feature. But if your Android phone is not having this feature, there is a workaround solution available as smartphone apps too.
There are some apps available which you can use to turn on the flash whenever there is notification of any kind on your smartphone. This can be very useful and it will serve the same purpose as the LED notification. The only difference is that you will have to use third-party apps and it will be a bit more battery consuming as the camera flash are usually more powerful that notification LED.
There are many nice Android apps available to perform this task. You can find few of them below using which you will be able to use the camera flash on your phone as notification indicator. If you are Samsung or LG smartphone user then, chances are high that you will get this feature already available in the Settings of your phone. The instructions for those devices is also given below.
HOW TO : Use Camera Flash as Notification Indicator on Android
HOW TO : Use Camera Flash as Notification Indicator on Samsung Smartphones
1. Go to Settings.
2. ow go to "My Device" and then tap on "Accessibility" to open it.
3. Look for the "Flash Notification" and turn it on
HOW TO : Use Camera Flash as Notification Indicator on LG Smartphones
1. Go to Settings and then to "Accessibility".
2. Under the Accessibility, you will find the "Hearing" option. Tap on it to access it.
3. Now go to the "Flash Alerts" and turn it on.
Regardless of your phone's brand and model, the Accessibility options in Settings menu is where you should look first for any flash notification option. If the option is not available there, you can make your phone's camera LED flash when calls are incoming using the below apps made specially for this purpose and to many other useful functions.
Top 5 Android Apps to Use Camera Flash as Notification Indicator
Flash Notification for All App
You get features like incoming call flash, SMS flash, Missed Call / unread SMS flash, repeat notification and flash when a new notification arrives in selected app like Whatsapp, Email, Twitter, Alarm/Clock, Messenger or any other app
Call Flash: Alert on Call-SMS
It comes with features like Time based or Repetitive, Flash notification for more instant messaging apps, like Viber, Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp etc., flash only when phone is locked option, disable flash on call with volume buttons, option to disable flash if battery is low and much more
Flash Light Alerts
Flash Light Alerts is pretty much similar to Call Flash: Alert on Call-SMS in terms of features and provide lots of customization to the users.
Flash Notification 2
Flash Notification 2 let you use the flash for notification with features like separated flash between Notification apps, Incoming call and SMS / MMS.
Flash Alerts 2
Flash Alerts 2 turn on the camera flash on your Android smartphone when you receive a call or new text message. The flash will blink whenever there is incoming call or SMS. You can also regulate blinking frequency. There are more features available in the pro version of this Android app which you can use for better experience.