Xiaomi India launched its Mi Explorer program in the beginning of this year before the official launch of Xiaomi Redmi Note 3 to get user experience and feedback.

If you do not know Xiaomi's Mi Explorer is program where people try their upcoming Xiaomi smartphones and provide their feedback to improve the devices before their official launches.

Try Upcoming and Unreleased Xiaomi Smartphones with Mi Explorers Program

And from today, Xiaomi India will start accepting applications for a new phase of Mi Explorer program before the launch of the next Redmi smartphone that is expected to be the Redmi Note 4.

Xiaomi also announced that this time there will be ultimate prizes for top 5 Explorers. People interested in Xiaomi India's Mi Explorer program will have to submit their applications before 30th December, 2016.

Try Upcoming and Unreleased Xiaomi Smartphones with Mi Explorers Program

As the application process to apply for Mi Explorer program to try hands on the unreleased and upcoming Xiaomi smartphones, user will have to fill the form and play a Xiaomi trivia game. Only those people getting 90% score in this trivia will be allowed to submit their application for Mi Explorer program.

If you are interested in participating in this program, then, you can apply by visiting the below link.


Regarding the Mi Explorers campaign, Xiaomi on the Mi Community website, said:

We care deeply about providing the best product experience possible to all our users. Mi Explorers is designed for Mi to perfect the next Redmi device based on extensive user feedback and data before launch. The first Mi Explorers programme was born when Redmi Note 3 entered India in the beginning of 2016, and we are now announcing its second edition.

We will be selecting hard-core Mi Fans to fully experience the next Redmi device through a series of challenging missions designed just for Mi Explorers.

Be among the first to receive our next Redmi device, be highly involved in improving it before launch, attend the launch event and become a star among Mi fans!

Moreover, the Top 5 Explorers get to receive an ultimate prize!