These days people use many different browsers and many different computers to surf the internet. So, bookmarking on all those browsers and computers is a common thing. Bur problem arises when somebody is in need of a bookmark which is on a different browser on a different computer.

 But now, there is a solution of this problem with a great bookmarking tool that let you sync and access all of your bookmarks from any of your web browsers even when you are on different computers.

Synchronize Your Bookmarks With Xmarks

Xmarks is the solution that synchronizes your bookmarks, web history and back up all your web data across all of your web browsers. This is all automatic and online. Xmarks currently supports four major browsers - Firefox, Google Chrome, Safari and Internet Explorer.

Additionally, it also gives information about top websites on internet- how safe and popular they are. etc. It also search similar sites to your favorite bookmarks.

You can download the Xmarks by visiting the link and selecting your browser.