UPDATE : A new improved method is available to invite your Facebook friends to Like a page. Click the link below to check it
Invite Your All Facebook Friends To Like A Fan Page By Google Chrome Extension
HOW TO : Invite Your All Facebook Friends To Like A Fan Page
1. First of all visit the Facebook Fan Page which you want to share with friends, for example SHAAN HAIDER Dot COM Facebook Fan Page. If you didnt like it yet then , click on the LIKE button as shown in the image below.
2. After that, click on the SUGGEST TO FRIENDS button which is available on the left side of the page as shown in the image below.
3. A small window will appear where your friends will be shown. Now, instead of selecting your friends one by one, just copy the code given below in your address bar of the browser window (where you type site's address like www.facebook.com etc.) and press Enter in your keyboard.
javascript:elms=document.getElementById('friends').getElementsByTagName('li');for(var fid in elms){if(typeof elms[fid] === 'object'){fs.click(elms[fid]);}}
All of your friends will be selected automatically to send invitation to Like the Facebook Fan Page as shown in the image below. If you want to add a personal message to your friends then add it or just leave it empty. After that click on the SEND INVITATION button. Then an invitation will be sent to all of your Facebook friends to Like the Facebook Fan Page of your choice.
NOTE : Since now you know that how to invite your friends to LIKE a Facebook Fan Page then please visit the Facebook Fan Page of SHAAN HAIDER Dot COM and Like it. Also show your love and support by sending invitation to all your Facebook friends to Like the Facebook Fan Page of SHAAN HAIDER Dot COM from the method mentioned above.... Thanks
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