If you are having lots of email accounts and if you use all of them for various important stuffs then sometimes it can be a bit hectic to manage all of them perfectly. But now, you can manage all of your emails with a simple, effective and free email management tool

EmailTray.com is a great desktop email notification program. EmailTray> is a free email manager and prioritizing application for the emails you receive. It can also monitor your multiple email accounts, analyze the type of your email messages which you get and assign a priority ranking to each mail based on your interaction with the person who is sending you the email. Once the priority is known, it informs according to that.


EmailTray sorts all your incoming emails into 4 priority categories – High, Low, None and Spam. EmailTray analyzes and decides the priority level of your incoming messages by considering the factors like:

- Whether you read or immediately delete emails sent from a particular sender

- Whether you reply to or just read emails from them

- How fast you respond to the emails of a given email sender

- Whether you forward emails received from particular senders

- Whether you have corresponded with the given sender before, etc.

You can also set the priority level according to your choice and then EmailTray will act according to that. It also automatically decides priority for newsletters, subscription emails, social network updates etc. So, you can get rid of all those not so important stuffs easily.

EmailTray supports all popular email services like >Webmail (Yahoo! Mail, Gmail, Windows Live Hotmail, AOL), POP3 and IMAP accounts and also Microsoft Outlook 2003/2007/2010.