Making money online is not a difficult task if you know and grab the opportunity at the right time. Here is a great opportunity to make money online from a service which is giving good amount of money for sharing your feedback and suggestions.
PayBox is developing an online currency and payment processing service to make buying and selling online easier, more secure and available to everyone. They will launch their service officially in 2011 and now they are looking for suggestions and feedback for which they are paying too.
The highlighted features are given below.
- You start with a $25 balance and it's free.
- PayBox will add up to $20 per day to your account for participating as we prepare to launch their new service.
- You get $10 per person you refer to PayBox.
- You can also win $1,000 Shopping Spree
-You'll be an EarlyBird user—before PayBox opens to the public. And you'll help to shape the development of the best payment system ever designed for the Internet.
- You could have hundreds or thousands of dollars in your account by the time we launch, without ever making a deposit!
All you have to do to make money with Paybox is to Login frequently, Share your opinion and complete easy tasks like voting on designs etc., Asking your friends to join to earn $10 referral money per person.
PayBox is developing an online currency and payment processing service to make buying and selling online easier, more secure and available to everyone. They will launch their service officially in 2011 and now they are looking for suggestions and feedback for which they are paying too.
The highlighted features are given below.
- You start with a $25 balance and it's free.
- PayBox will add up to $20 per day to your account for participating as we prepare to launch their new service.
- You get $10 per person you refer to PayBox.
- You can also win $1,000 Shopping Spree
-You'll be an EarlyBird user—before PayBox opens to the public. And you'll help to shape the development of the best payment system ever designed for the Internet.
- You could have hundreds or thousands of dollars in your account by the time we launch, without ever making a deposit!
All you have to do to make money with Paybox is to Login frequently, Share your opinion and complete easy tasks like voting on designs etc., Asking your friends to join to earn $10 referral money per person.