Twitter is one of the most popular and my favorite social networking site. Hope that you like it too. But do you know some cool facts about the origin of the Twitter?

Here I am sharing the top 3 Twitter facts which every Twitter lover must know. It also shows that how much it developed from the beginning of it and the blueprint of the Twitter. And if you like it then do not forget to share with other Twitter lovers.

Top 3 Amazing Twitter Facts

1. The Name

Top 3 Amazing Twitter Facts - The Name
The original or the concept name of the Twitter was twttr which was also mentioned in the first tweet on the Twitter by the founder Jack Dorsey

2. Twitter Blueprint

Top 3 Amazing Twitter Facts - Twitter Blueprint
This is the idea and the blueprint of the Twitter by Jack Dorsey.

3. The First Tweet

Top 3 Amazing Twitter Facts - The First Tweet

This is the first tweet ever posted on the Twitter. It was by the founder Jack Dorsey..