Photos and photography is a norm in the modern world now. A majority of the users are using their camera and mobile phones in order to take photos. This accounts to a huge no. of photos collection with each one of us. A majority of the photos are good and don't need any adjustment in terms of quality. Some photos need some furnishing and that can be done through photo editing software like Adobe Photoshop or Picasa. There is one problem with these software through that there is no simple step to remove blemishes from the photos. Blemishes means the blurry boxes that make the photo look bad.
Photo Blemish Remover is a free software to remove blemishes from the photos easily as it is only designed to remove them. The installation of Photo Blemish Remover is quite straight forward and does not require any manual intervention under default settings. You can download Photo Blemish Remover and install it on your computer.
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Photo Blemish Remover is easier to use than install. It does only one task and does that very well, removing the blemishes or boxed spots from the photos. You can adjust the spot size according to the blemish that you want to remove. You have to make sure that the spot size is perfect according to the blemish itself otherwise it will make the picture look more distorted. When you have adjusted the spot size you can take the mouse cursor to the affected spot and hover over the spot while pressing the left mouse button.
I have been experimenting a lot with the Photo Blemish Remover and came to know that although it is very good at removing blemishes from smaller photos, you will need to make use of Adobe Photoshop for photos with larger no. of blemishes. Otherwise it will take longer to remove the blemishes from this software.
What do you think of this cute little software? I hope you like it even if you are an expert photo editor.
Author Bio : Usman is a network consultant and contributes on his technology blog which is about Microsoft Windows platform.
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