Smartphones such as the iPhone are great for business, letting you be productive on the move. Here are some of the best iPhone and iPad apps to enable you to run your business more effectively:
Top 5 Productivity Apps for the iPad & iPhone
LogMeIn Ignition (iPhone/iPad : £69.99)

LogMeIn Ignition is an iPhone/iPad app that that lets you access the files on your PC or Mac when you are on the move. You can even log onto your desktop and make changes. It's easy to install - simply download the app and install it on your iPad or iPhone, and the desktop software you need from LogMeIn. You then simply match the devices with a logging in procedure; you can even add a username and password for extra security.
Once the devices have been matched together, your iPhone/iPad has full access to your PC. You can even use your iPhone/iPadto wake up your PC or turn it on altogether. The app's recent price increase does make it expensive but it's worth it if you need full access to your PC anywhere.
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Top 5 Must Have Free iPad Applications
Evernote (iPhone/iPad : Free)

Evernote is a powerful cloud based solution for recording and storing all your odd notes, names and any other useful information you want to keep but aren't quite sure where to jot down or keep. The iPhone/iPad app works very well, allows you to look at your existing notes, create new notes, and even take pictures with the iPhone/iPad's camera to instantly upload to your Evernote account.
Once your pictures have been completely loaded, they are OCR'd, letting you search text on photographed documents or even on business cards. This app is perfect for conferences and shows, letting you save info which might have been lost, quickly and efficiently. You can even compose reports in Evernote, ready to be exported into Word or OpenOffice.
ToDo (iPhone/iPad : £2.99)

ToDo is a great task management app which will let SME owners organize their time more efficiently, letting them prioritize tasks and make to do lists which work. The powerful app has features such as task sharing via e-mail, storing tasks in the cloud to let you access them anywhere, and the ability to sync with your contacts. Adding a task is easy to do and you can 'star' them to prioritize them quickly. You can even repeat previous tasks and add passwords for protection.
SalesForce Mobile (iPhone/iPad : Free)

The SalesForce Mobile app for iPhone/iPadlets you access all your SalesForce data on the move. You can retrieve all your account information, track the most recent activity and look at any new sales which have happened. It's possible to even log calls and meeting information right after they take place and respond to new leads or customer requests straight away. Great for getting new business.
iXpenseIt (iPhone/iPad : £2.99)

Budgeting apps aren't one of the sexiest apps but they are indispensable for small business owners. iXpenseIt is one of the best apps out there, offering a range of features including VAT input, cashflow reports, bill reminders, customizable expense type and the ability to generate graphical reports. There is also a one-time setup for recurring expenses such as utility bills and rent. Rather usefully, the app stores digital receipts in case you lose them. You can quickly e-mail reports, too.