There are a few essential things to consider when searching for a web hosting company. The bandwidth, software tools, storage and support are all vital things to take into account when selecting a web host, and a good web hosting company is one that offers all these features at a competitive price. Regardless of the type of web hosting you are after, there is a large amount of web hosting companies after your business and it can understandably be difficult to determine which web hosting companies offer the best deals. With that in mind, here is a list of some of web hosting companies that offer the best prices.
Hostgator’s web hosting plans start at $3.96 and with the unlimited disk space and bandwidth the plans offer very good value. The wide range of easy-to-install website templates and $100 Google Adwords credit are added features that assist new customers in getting started. There is a countless amount of Hostgator reviews available online if you would like more information on the services provided by Hostgator.
Click Here to Signup for Hostgator and Get 25% Discount
Bluehost offers a range of features and with plans starting from as little as $4.95 it certainly does offer good value. Even with the most basic plans you get unlimited storage, unlimited bandwidth and a free domain name. The service is superfast with minimal downtimes and the customer support is exceptional, so this is definitely a web host to take a look at if you are after a good deal.
GoDaddy web hosting is slightly more expensive than other web hosts, but the range of services it provides and the uniqueness of the control panel justifies the cost. GoDaddy offers plans that cater for a variety of businesses and utilises its own easy to use control panel. If you are willing to pay a bit more for web hosting then GoDaddy is certainly an option to explore as it’s easy to use services and uptime guarantee make it a solid web hosting company.
FatCow sets out to simplify the process of purchasing a web hosting service. It only offers one plan that allows you to choose your desired billing period. The plan includes unlimited bandwidth, disk space and email accounts. It also utilises renewable energy to power its servers, so that is an added incentive if you are looking to help the environment. Overall, FatCow is an excellent choice if you are after a cheap and reliable web hosting service.
As the name suggests, Just host is an uncomplicated web hosting company that aims to provide a simple and reliable web hosting option for novice users. It doesn’t offer any extra services, and that is what makes it so easy to setup an account with Just Host. The web hosting plans are affordable and flexible, plus they offer unlimited bandwidth and storage. This is certainly a web host that is useful for beginners as it is simple to use and offers good value.
Also Check : 6 Signs that Your Web Hosting Will Fail You
It is important to note that when searching for a web host it is advisable to take a look at user reviews of the company to determine which web hosting companies offer the best deals and service. Web hosting has gradually become a very competitive business, so that means consumers have more options to consider. While this can be beneficial for consumers, it can also lead to bad choices as there are quite a few web hosting companies in the business that have low standards and offer below par services. As such, it is important to do you research before selecting and buying with a web host so that you can get the best deal.
Top Five Web Hosting Companies
Hostgator’s web hosting plans start at $3.96 and with the unlimited disk space and bandwidth the plans offer very good value. The wide range of easy-to-install website templates and $100 Google Adwords credit are added features that assist new customers in getting started. There is a countless amount of Hostgator reviews available online if you would like more information on the services provided by Hostgator.
Click Here to Signup for Hostgator and Get 25% Discount
Bluehost offers a range of features and with plans starting from as little as $4.95 it certainly does offer good value. Even with the most basic plans you get unlimited storage, unlimited bandwidth and a free domain name. The service is superfast with minimal downtimes and the customer support is exceptional, so this is definitely a web host to take a look at if you are after a good deal.
GoDaddy web hosting is slightly more expensive than other web hosts, but the range of services it provides and the uniqueness of the control panel justifies the cost. GoDaddy offers plans that cater for a variety of businesses and utilises its own easy to use control panel. If you are willing to pay a bit more for web hosting then GoDaddy is certainly an option to explore as it’s easy to use services and uptime guarantee make it a solid web hosting company.
FatCow sets out to simplify the process of purchasing a web hosting service. It only offers one plan that allows you to choose your desired billing period. The plan includes unlimited bandwidth, disk space and email accounts. It also utilises renewable energy to power its servers, so that is an added incentive if you are looking to help the environment. Overall, FatCow is an excellent choice if you are after a cheap and reliable web hosting service.
Just Host
As the name suggests, Just host is an uncomplicated web hosting company that aims to provide a simple and reliable web hosting option for novice users. It doesn’t offer any extra services, and that is what makes it so easy to setup an account with Just Host. The web hosting plans are affordable and flexible, plus they offer unlimited bandwidth and storage. This is certainly a web host that is useful for beginners as it is simple to use and offers good value.
Also Check : 6 Signs that Your Web Hosting Will Fail You
It is important to note that when searching for a web host it is advisable to take a look at user reviews of the company to determine which web hosting companies offer the best deals and service. Web hosting has gradually become a very competitive business, so that means consumers have more options to consider. While this can be beneficial for consumers, it can also lead to bad choices as there are quite a few web hosting companies in the business that have low standards and offer below par services. As such, it is important to do you research before selecting and buying with a web host so that you can get the best deal.