If you are one of those guys who prefer to go through the user manual of your smartphones and tablets, you should be knowing that nearly every brand mentions in the user manuals that if you use the accessories other than the original ones or the ones made by the authorized partners then it can cause damage to your gadgets. It covers things like battery, charger, USB cables etc.

There are many incidents recently in which a phone exploded or caught fire because of the fake charger or battery used. It happened and can happen with products of any brand. Considering this scenario, Apple has updated its support website with the information that how to identify an original and fake lighting cable which is used for charging the iPhones and iPads.

Since Apple devices had issues because of the counterfeit lighting cables many times, Apple warned about possible outcome of using them as follows :

- Your iOS device and the cable could become damaged

- You might not be able to connect your device using the cable, sync or charge it

- The connector end might fall off, fit not properly and get hot

Though it is nice to have a helpful information from the Apple, we all know that original Apple accessories costs a lot and this is the reason that people buy the cheaper and fake ones. Still, this information is really a helpful one for all iPhone and iPad users that how to identify a fake and an original Apple lighting cable. Have a look on the below Apple infographic and feel free to share your tips in the Comments section.

How to Spot Fake Apple Lightning Cable (Infographic)

How to Spot Fake Apple Lightning Cable (Infographic) - www.ShaanHaider.com
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