The new look of Facebook Messenger

Facebook has announced an update for it's Messenger app. In this new update, the giants are focusing on design refreshment. Just like before conversations, people, group and settings tab are at the top bar. What has been changed is the look and feel of the app. There are new flat icons and blue material design in the whole app.

Here is what messenger lead David Marcus said in a Facebook post:

If you're using Messenger on Android, you've been wanting a brand new material design for a bit. Any major redesign of an essential app used by hundreds of millions of people around the world is painstakenly hard, and that's why we took every precaution to ensure you'd truly enjoy this evolution.

The app has already started rolling out and most of the people will get the update with in a couple of days. I've got the update recently for my Samsung Galaxy A8, what about you?
