HMD Global announced the launch of the new Nokia 110 4G phone today. Nokia 110 4G comes packed with 4G connectivity, crystal clear voice communications, updated menus, and a host of apps and games, back cover with a textured texture for a luxurious touch.
This distinctive phone is also equipped with a powerful removable battery with a capacity of 1020 mAh, to be ready for use whenever you need it. The Nokia 110 4G is the foundation for great design, both indoors and out, and is available in three elegant colours, yellow, aqua and black. And with 4G VoLTE, you can take your conversations to an even better level with crystal clear voice communications, making you feel right next to the person you're talking to.
With a host of features including classic games like the popular Snake, wired and wireless FM radio, full internet access, video and MP3 player plus expandable storage (up to 32GB), this phone is a one-stop solution to relieving boredom. With apps like English with Oxford, you can practice English words and phrases with the Nokia 110 4G. The QVGA rear camera also makes the Nokia 110 4G the most affordable Nokia 4G camera phone.
With an updated user interface, you'll have the option of enlarged menus, making browsing simpler and clearer. Plus, with the new reading feature, you can convert text to speech as the Nokia 110 4G can read what you're doing to give your eyes a rest from the screen. Along with useful gadgets like the built-in flashlight, it's an ideal option to light up your surroundings when you need to.
Price and Availability
The Nokia 110 4G phone will be available in the Kingdom from July 29, and it is available in blue and black colors with a starting price of 126 SAR