Cartoon Network has announced two new digital-first productions – Nana and Kafashat – created in collaboration with animation studio Follk Creative Solutions. The two new short-form series will launch first on the Cartoon Network Arabic website and YouTube page.
Each episode of Nana is a minute-long animated production of a fly’s funny adventures in its ecosystem. Full of fun and comedy capers, each minute-long installment of Kafashat’s is co-produced by Saudi comedy sensation Shakir Al Sharif and features a mix of animation and live action. Nana is scheduled to launch in April 2022 in time for Ramadan, while Kafashat will launch from July 2022.
Mohamed Sheiha, Head of Marketing, Digital & Communications, WarnerMedia MENAT, said:
At Cartoon Network, we are committed to creating a connected brand experience. These two new digital-first productions are part of our ambition to deliver content to wherever our audiences are - be it linear shows, gaming or online. The collaboration with Follk Creative Solutions, who have several high-end quality animations to their credit, is an exciting step in this direction.
Mohanad Hassan – Managing Director at Follk Creative Solutions, said:
At Follk, we are strong believers in the power of animation, which is an effective platform to deliver messages for any audience. Though each episode of Nana and Kafashat is just one minute long, the humorous storyline and high-end execution will have a strong impact on kids.
Islam Ahmed, Partner, and CCO at Follk Creative Solutions added;
Stemmed from our strong belief in the value of collaborations that result in successful projects across the MENA region, we aspire to make a meaningful impact with this entertainment-led cooperation with the great team at Cartoon Network Middle East. We, at Follk, pride ourselves on having a strong, dedicated, and world-class team of creatives who work tirelessly to create award-winning creative content.