It is a common thing that people steal others Wi-Fi bandwidth by cracking the password somehow and then using the free internet. It can cause major harm also if somebody use it for illegal or criminal purpose. If you are having a Wi-Fi Internet connection and you want security or just to get rid of bandwidth thieves then there is a great application for you.

Zamzom is a nice wireless network tool which helps in finding out the people who are using your wireless connection and stealing your bandwidth. Zamzom works great with Windows 7, Vista, XP and Windows 2000.

After downloading and installing Zamzom from the link given in the end of the post, when you will run it, its main window will be like as shown in the image below where your computer name, MAC address, IP address and wireless ip range will be shown. If you find anything unfamiliar then you can edit the data too.

How to Secure Your Wi-Fi Internet from Bandwidth Thieves

Now, just click on the Fast Scan. It will scan and will show how many users are connected to your Wi-Fi Internet connection at that moment. You can also check the name of the computer and the IP.

To download the ZamZom, visit the link -->
