One of the most important thing on social networking is to have the backup of your account and data as accidentally it can be deleted for various reason like by hackers or your account can be marked as Spam etc. Whatever is the reason, it is always nice to have a backup of your social networking account and data.
Earlier I've posted that how you can have the backup of your Facebook, Twitter and Blogger accounts. And this time, I am telling you that how you can backup your Google Plus account and data.
Takeout is the Google project which let you have the backup of your Google Plus account and data. Just follow the steps given below to backup your Google Plus account, contacts and links you may have shared on your Google Plus stream.
Also Check :
HOW TO : Backup Your Twitter Account
HOW TO : Backup Facebook Account Free
HOW TO : Backup Your Blogger Blog
HOW TO : Backup Your Google Plus Account & Data

1. Visit the link
2. Click on the "Create Archive" option
3. Download your Google Plus account backup files
Using the Takeout, you can have the backup of your Google Profile, Stream, Contacts and Circles, Picasa Albums, Google Buzz and Google +1s if you have these enabled in your Google Plus profile.
Contacts are stored as the .vcf cards and the Stream is archived as .HTML pages complete with images and comments. It also backup the posts you Re-shared on your Google Plus stream.