Facebook Fan Pages are one of the most powerful and popular tool for all business and bloggers. People usually make mistakes when they are new on Facebook and make multiple pages of their services. I did the same few years back and I am still having few extra and idle Facebook pages of my various blogs.
But what if you are having multiple Facebook pages and you want to merge them into one? It can be really helpful if you are having nice amount of fans in all of your Facebook pages. And fortunately, Facebook is providing this option to the Facebook page owners to merge the Facebook pages.
The only restriction while merging Facebook pages is that they should have the same names. But if you are having less than 200 fans in your Facebook pages then, you can change the name of your Facebook pages anytime you want.
The steps to merge the duplicate Facebook pages are given below. Just follow the instructions carefully.
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HOW TO : Merge Duplicate Facebook Pages
1. Consider you are having two Facebook pages with the same name A and B. A is having the more fans and user engagement. So, you want to merge the B to A. Then just go to the Facebook page A.
This step is really important cause if you merge the wrong page then all your wall posts, images and vanity URL will be lost. So, always go to the most popular and primary Facebook page of you and merge the smaller ones in it.
2. Now just click on the 'Manage' and then 'Edit Page' as shown in the image above.
3. On the new page you will see lots of options on the left sidebar. Click on the Resources option. Then it will show you the option 'Manage Duplicate Pages' if you are having the multiple Facebook pages with the exact same name.

4. Now, a window will be opened which will show the all of your Facebook pages having same name. Just select the pages which you want to be merged with your primary Facebook page. After that click on the 'Merge Pages' button as shown in the image below.
5. A confirmation window will appear which will ask your permission to merge the two Facebook pages. Just click on the 'Merge Pages' and you are done with that.