There is no denying how important social networking has become for Internet users of all ages, industries and walks of life. Social networking has really taken off and over the last five years has proved that the interest in social networking is not waning.
So what does Social Media Have to Do with SEO?
You may be thinking that the only thing social networking is good for is keeping in touch with friends and playing games. If you think this way then you are gravely mistaken. Social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter and now Google Plus are powerful SEO tools waiting for you to take full advantage of.
Like all SEO techniques the use of social media is time consuming yet rewarding. As a business you need to spend time creating optimized social media profiles on each of the sites. The other ones worth a mention include LinkedIn and Behance of you are a creative company.

Once you have your profiles it is possible to use them in your SEO campaign. Back links are an important part of search engine optimisation, and by posting your URLs to the profiles you have created you are instantly creating back links to your site on trusted networks. This has its benefits, but social media can give a simple back link a lot more weight.
Aim to Attract Likes, Retweets and +1’s
The links that you put in your status updates or tweet box have the potential of improving your rankings in the search engines if they get a response. A simple like on Facebook will be taken into account by Bing, Microsoft’s search engine. Retweeted links on Twitter are used in both Google and Bing’s search algorithms and +1’s are obviously important to boosting your rankings on Google.
The other point to make here is that social media is a great way of attracting new traffic. Not everyone will follow the link, some will simply like without checking the content first, however you may find that the amount of traffic you bring in from social media alone makes a significant change in your overall traffic.
Improve Your Social Media SEO Campaign by Tweaking Your Site
You may be wondering how you can make sure you are doing everything to help your SEO campaign. A good place to start is by ensuring that your website is social media friendly. Help your networking by adding all those little boxes that are popping up all over the Internet. At the very least you need to include a one click ‘Like’ button on all your pages along with a ‘Tweet’ box.
By adding these easy to use features you are more likely to clock up tweets and likes dedicated to your business and web pages. In return your SEO campaign will be given a boost that many companies are still neglecting. Check to see if your competitors have these tools on their sites and take a look at their social media profiles. If they are already up and running then you have some catching up to do. If they haven’t you have the chance of gaining the lead in the marketing race.

What Can You Benefit From Using Social Media Besides SEO
There are lots of other reasons why having social media profiles can really benefit your business. You can build great relationships with your target audience. Try not to sell all the time; people on sites are not looking to be sold at constantly. Build a conversation; share other content that you have found valuable that is not from your own site. This is a good way of building trust and showing that you care about your industry as a whole.
Use social media to keep an eye on the competition. Read their pages; spend time seeing the response they are getting from their fans. See what is working well and how they are comparing to your business. You can learn from their mistakes and their victories.
Customer research and building leads often involves a lot of hard work and may even involve hiring telemarketers and relying on people to submit online forms. Social media gives you direct contact with millions of users. Try a build a good following and use your fans and followers to find out what they like, what they don’t like and what they would love to see from you. This is priceless information. Once you have made changes or when you introduce new lines you will already have people interested who will want to check it out.
Talk to Your SEO Company
To make the most out of the networking resources talk to your SEO provider. They will help you to gain traffic and boost your rankings in the SERPS by using these incredibly powerful tools.
Talk to your seo reseller about the necessary steps needed to start your SEO campaign off on the right foot. Visit to find out more.