Content includes words, documents, pictures, music, videos, interactive features and anything else you choose to put on your website. In other words, everything on your website is content. Each item on your site affects the way your customers think of your products, services and company. Keeping your website content current should be a priority. Some of the ways you can accomplish this goal include:

  • Designating a content management team
  • Incorporating a content management system into your business plan
  • Using content management software
  • Physically updating content on a regular basis

How To Keep Website Content Fresh Easily
Content Management Team

Assigning responsibility and accountability is the best way to avoid out-of-date content on your site and damage to your business. Decide who is responsible for updating the content on your website. This individual doesn’t have to be the same person who develops the content.

Content Management System

A content management system (CMS) can be invaluable for businesses that want to take care of their own content management, as it generally requires little technical knowledge or skill. Having a system in place that works for your business will streamline content updating and keep your website up-to-date.

Your content management system should:

  • Allow contributions to and sharing of stored data
  • Control access to data
  • Be easy to use
  • Reduce wasted time
  • Improve communications

Content Management Software

You can use content management software, such as the type available from Omniture® and other software companies, when you want to keep updating your site’s content within your control. Some features to look for when purchasing CMS software are:

  • Ease of use which enables your content managers to update content without having much technical knowledge and without wasting valuable time.
  • Content control that allows your IT team to concentrate on their job by giving content control to the appropriate managers and producers.
  • Template management which keeps your templates in order so you know how to find what you need at the right time.
  • Unparalleled customer service and support offered with your CMS software.

Updating Content Regularly

Have you ever clicked on a website for information on a product or service you heard about only to find that the most recent site update was over a year ago? You don’t want this to be the case with your website. When a person visits any one of your landing pages, you want them to be intrigued by what they see and stay for awhile, preferably until you’ve converted them into a customer.

It’s crucial that you specify who will develop content for your business. You may decide to hire a copywriter or delegate content writing to particular employees. You or someone you designate should review content before it is changed or added online. This is particularly true if you’ve hired an outside copywriter. He will not know your business as well as someone on the inside.

You also need to have a plan in place for content updating. If you only think about updating your content, it is unlikely to change much. When deciding on a schedule for content review and updating, consider the following items that content updating can do for you:

  • Affect your ranking in search engines
  • Keep product lists and service information current
  • Give special attention to sales and special offers
  • Show changes in business hours, phone numbers and location
  • Bring attention to any current events your company is involved in
  • Let your customers know they can rely on your site to be current and accurate

Keeping your website content current takes time, but it doesn’t need to be complicated. Initiating a content management plan will help your content development and updating occur on schedule. Investing in CMS software improves employee productivity and saves money. By implementing necessary changes in your content and CMS system on a regular basis, you will undoubtedly realize the measurable results you desire.
