If you’re anything like me, you’ve probably already made a whole host of New Year’s resolutions. By the end of January, some of them will have already fallen by the wayside and others will be on going. Resolutions will often focus on anything from health to career through to your finances. But don’t overlook your website in the New Year’s Resolutions you make.
Here are 5 SEO related New Year’s Resolutions you really should stick to!!
Also Check:
The Fundamentals Of SEO
5 Tips To Recover From Google Panda Update
Top 4 Search Engine Optimization Guidelines
10 Commandments Of Link Building (Infographic)
Top 20 Methods To Drive Traffic To Your Blog

Top 5 SEO Tips for 2012
Create More Content
Resolve to pay some attention to your website’s content! Google’s Panda algorithm simply loves original, unique content (whether video, images or text). And it’s not just the benefits to your overall site authority you’ll notice, but if your content is worked right, you should see an increase in long tail traffic as you start to build up more original content.
Master Microdata
Google’s making a real song and dance about Schema Microdata at the moment, having just released 10 ‘how to’ style videos about implanting it. We are already starting to see SERPs presenting information pulled from Microdata and this can vastly increase your CTR from the SERPs. I can only see this becoming more important in 2012.
Get Mobile!
If you’re not already mobile, you’re already starting to fall behind. Around 1 in 5 of your website visitors (as it currently stands) is likely to be visiting from a mobile device. You there need to consider a mobile friendly version of your website. If you haven’t done it yet, make 2012 the year!
Google Plus
I know a lot of people who have been reluctant to get involved with Google Plus. I’ve heard all sorts of reasons from “I don’t have time to do that as well as Facebook and Twitter,” to “Hrmph. I don’t even like it.” But if you were not convinced already about how important Google Plus data is likely to be for SEO in coming months, then this announcement by Google might change your mind.
Advanced Analytics
Get stuck in to some custom Analytics. As social has a wider influence and our traffic is coming from more sources, it’s critical that we understand who our visitors are, where they are coming from and how they are behaving on our sites. This will often mean some advanced customisation, custom reporting and so on. The time that goes into getting this into place will reap dividends in terms of the ability to better understand your website visitors.
What are your SEO New Year’s Resolutions?
This post on SEO New Year's Resolutions was written and contributed by Stacey Cavanagh, Digital Marketing Manager for Tecmark SEO.
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