As the latest development in the technological world, the cloud has already been welcomed into the center of technology companies with big names such as Microsoft and Apple embracing the new systems eagerly. But why exactly are technology companies so enthusiastic about these new systems and what are the benefits of cloud computing as opposed to traditional software?
Cloud computing offers a host of benefits for businesses but the easiest way to identify them is to consider them in conjunction with the features provided by traditional computing systems and to draw a comparison between the two.
The main areas which are affected by computing systems include cost, accessibility, updating services, maintenance requirements and time constraints.

4 Reasons Why Technology Companies Love the Cloud Computing
>According to research, cloud computing solutions can save as much as 40% when compared to the normal costs traditional software. Of course the current economic climate means that saving money is now even more important and businesses rely on low overheads in order to achieve good profit levels.
The costs associated with cloud computing systems are kept low through the flexibility of their services. As we all know traditional computing software licenses were needed by businesses in order to implement and use specific systems. These licenses typically provided a number of basic services for a predetermined amount of users, meaning that if extra services or users needed to be added they would have to be purchased separately. This also led to a number of customers paying for services that were surplus to requirements, causing their costs to be higher.
Cloud computing revolutionizes this method by offering a more flexible service selection whereby businesses typically select the services which they need and the amount of users thus simultaneously reducing costs and providing more control over the operational systems of their business.
One of the most commonly advertised benefits of cloud computing is the improvement in accessibility, but what exactly does this translate to? As traditional software is hosted by the local business computers, access is limited to systems connected to that computer network. The result is that access to certain services and documentation cannot be accessed from anywhere other than within the office itself, greatly restricting the operation and functionality of the business.
As a web-based system, cloud computing is able to offer increased accessibility providing a stable internet connection is available. Cloud computing outsources the primary functions and operations of computing systems to computer networks held offsite meaning that, via web access, businesses can gain access to their documents are services from multiple locations using multiple devices.
Cloud computing also offers specific security settings in order to control accessibility even further. Community cloud services offer widespread, almost universal, access to shared resources and data whilst personal or private cloud services only allow access to specific users, allowing all data to be kept in a centralized location whilst ensuring that only those with the relevant permissions are able to access more private information.
Updating Services
Traditionally updates for software were delivered at the expense of the business and was often conducted via manual downloads. This meant that a vast proportion of time, and money, was used to update systems and many businesses could find themselves quickly out of touch with the rest of the industry. By using a system that is web-based, updating is typically conducted automatically and is often free of charge. Not only does this remove extra costs from businesses but it also lessens their time restraints by giving them more time to focus on other aspects of their business.
Maintenance Requirements
All systems require maintenance and support sporadically but gaining this support is not always an easy or quick process. When systems are hosted by local computers any developed faults could be traced to a number of causes, both within the system itself or within the particular software. Diagnosis by IT maintenance departments can be laborious and lengthy, resulting in disruption to business operations and productivity.
Hosting the services off site allows these dangers to be reduced meaning that any servicing or maintenance work is carried out automatically by the service providers, allowing easier and more consistent operation. Web-based systems can suffer problems from internet connections but luckily if cloud computing systems are implemented thoroughly they can allow some offline capabilities, allowing these problems to be bypassed.