About Google Maps, it is known to all of us that it is a killer web app and many people have been taking advantage of this remarkable application from time. But, there is another undeniable fact about Google Maps is that there are also some ways by which you can develop and take benefit of interactive online earth as well.

This way is not an untouched way but many companies already are trying it from time. So, if you also want to do it by yourself and interested in experiencing it, then here we have some the best Google Earth and Google Maps alternatives for you.

Top 3 Google Maps Alternatives

In the list of best Google Maps alternatives, first of all we introduce the tools of mapping software and one can use such tools very easily and effectively as well. Whether you are not so good in designing or programming like technical guys, still you can be an expert in developing a desired online map or online earth for you. Most often, the maps available over the internet are custom made with various interactive features. Due to these interactive features, users can get relevant information quickly and gracefully. And all such things can easily be achieved through a little homework and some tips and earth tools.

There is mapping software which works effectively to highlight various locations in a city or pinpoint stores. You must have noticed that while using Google Maps when you roll your mouse, you get a pop-up information box.

So, such feature can be developed through the mapping software easily. In case you are not interested in making your own application like Google Maps, and want to use any other application than it, then following are some best Google Maps alternatives for you.

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Top 3 Google Maps Alternatives

Bing Maps

Top 3 Google Maps Alternatives - Bing Maps

Just like Google, Bing has also developed a function Bing Maps which is quite easy to use and packed with lots of effective and fast features. As a mapping tool, it is an excellent option and can be referred as Google Maps’ rival. Here users can have a service option “Bird’s View” that makes Bing Maps a unique tool ever.


Top 3 Google Earth Alternatives - Bhuvan

In the world of mapping, Bhuvan has its own place and it is similar to Google Earth at a great extent. Basically, ISRO has developed Bhuvan and offer world a new mapping alternative like Google Earth. For Indian locations, it gives 5.8 meters resolution quality and can easily be run on slow network connection. To take advantage of Bhuvan, users must get registered on its official website and then they can have the ultimate mapping experience.

Nokia HERE Maps

Top 3 Google Earth Alternatives - Nokia HERE Maps

After earning a great fame in mobile and communication industry, Nokia has introduced a mapping service through Nokia HERE Maps. This mapping service is much better and faster than Bing and has a clear design as well. There is a great range of options that make Nokia HERE Maps a great and speedier performer and worth exploring.

These are some Google Maps alternatives and to get mapping experience apart from Google earth, you all can try any of above mentioned and feel the difference.