Mobile phones first became popular among the general public in the early 1980s and revolutionised the way that we communicate. Users of mobile phones were able to stay in contact with their friends and family no matter where they were, meaning that they never had to worry about missing an important call again. However, the first mobile phones left a lot to be desired in terms of style and size and have come a long way in the last three decades. What follows is a comparison between the first mobile phone and my iPhone.
Though this comparison is with the latest iPhone, you can consider it as any latest smartphone.

The First Mobile Phone vs. iPhone 4S
Size and portability
The first mobile phone was launched by Motorola in 1983 and was the DynaTac 8000X. This mobile phone was extremely big and bulky and was too large to fit into a jacket pocket. In fact, the first mobile phones were referred to as bricks, because this is the size and the shape that they resembled. Because of this, many mobile phone users restricted their use to inside their car.
However, the iPhone is extremely portable as it can fit into the palm of your hand. The slim design means that it can be slid into the pocket of even the most tightly fitting jeans, allowing iPhone users to take to stay connected wherever they go.
Network coverage/reliability
In the early days of mobile phone use, reception was mainly limited to densely populated areas of the country. People who lived in the countryside and other remote areas often found it difficult to get a signal. In fact, reception was so poor that the first mobile phone featured its own aerial to help boost reception.
These days, reception has increased so that it is possible to receive a signal virtually anywhere on the planet. In addition, my iPhone is connected to 3G, which means that I can connect to the internet wherever I go, allowing me to surf the internet, set emails and watch videos online and perform a multitude of other tasks in addition to just talking on the phone.
Number of functions
The iPhone is a clear winner in this category, as the first mobile phone was basically only suitable for using as a simple phone. However, with my iPhone I can choose from thousands of functions and special apps, which I can download for free or purchase from the AppStore. Among the functions that my iPhone features is an alarm clock, an event planner, a calculator, a camera, instant messaging, video conferencing, and an ebook reader. My iPhone can’t actually make toast, but I’m sure it’s just a matter of time before somebody comes up with an app that.
Ease of use
Because the first mobile phone had few functions, it may seem at first that this would be the easier of the two models to use. However, the intuitive design of the iPhone means that even first time users can get to grips with it straight away. The iPhone features large colourful functions and keys, which help to make this device extremely user friendly.
Coolness factor
Although many people love the retro look, there is no arguing with the ultra-cool design of the iPhone. This flat touch screen of this device looks great, and the great thing about the iPhone is that users can customise it according to their own personal taste. Wallpapers and screen savers for the iPhone come in all styles, while users can also create a cool touch by downloading a special ringtone. The addition of specially created cases, skins and iPhone gems also make it possible to change the style of your iPhone any time you choose. Although the bulky brick-like appearance of the first mobile phone made users stand out from the crowd, they could hardly be accused of looking call while they were on the phone, whereas iPhone users turn heads wherever they go.