Pay Per Click marketing is an important part of growing any website. To the uninitiated, PPC management can be difficult to get to grips with. There's a whole set of acronyms to learn, and so many metrics to consider that it can feel like being back in a college statistics class. However, once you get a handle on PPC management, you'll see your website's traffic (and hopefully conversions), skyrocket.
If you'd like to learn more about this kind of marketing, and what your PPC agency is doing for you, then check out these interesting infographics:
Top 6 Infographics on PPC and Make Money Online
1. The Noob Guide to Online Marketing by
Online marketing involves a lot of different techniques, from PPC to email, social media, link building, and conversion rate optimisation. This infographic breaks down each technique, and explains what needs to be done to ensure success.
2. The Digital Marketing Report by
Which marketing techniques have the biggest impact on the number of leads you generate? Do businesses respond to different marketing techniques to consumers? Which network should you target for each demographic? This infographic answers those questions, and more.
3. The Most Expensive Keywords by
Have you ever wondered what the most expensive keywords are on Google Adwords? This infographic shows a list of the keywords with the highest CPCs. Hopefully, you won't be competing for clicks on words on that list!
4. Split Testing Ideas for PPC Advertising by
Testing is a big part of PPC management. Do you know for sure you're getting the best results out of your ads? Have you tried different designs? Have you tried interactive ads vs static ads? Have you experimented with different calls to action? Check out this infographic for a few split testing ideas that you might have overlooked.
5. PPC Professionals - What Are They Worth? by
PPC marketing experts are an important part of the success of any website. If you've ever felt like grumbling about the cost of hiring a PPC agency, check out this infographic. Having a dedicated in-house PPC professional would cost you a fair bit more!
6. SEO vs PPC
Do you know the difference between SEO and PPC marketing? Do you understand how users view PPC listings, and what they think of normal search results? This infographic sheds some light on the way that users are adapting to the web, and reinforces the need to have both PPC and SEO in your marketing strategy.
Online marketing is a challenging venture, and it can take a lot of testing and tweaking to get the most out of your pay-per-click campaigns. Before you invest fully in a PPC campaign, it's a good idea to do a lot of research, and try a few test campaigns to see which strategy gets the highest quality of traffic.
Remember the key to PPC management: It's not just CTR that matters, it's what the visitors do once they land on your page. If the clicks aren't converting, you're throwing money down the drain.