Do you watch YouTube, Surf Videos online or even watch clips? Have you ever been influenced by online Ad campaigns? The web has changed everything; the majority of the viewers do not wish to wait and watch advertisements. With the immergence of time-shifting videos, advertisers have found new innovative ways of getting viewers interested in a company's products.
Below I've listed some of the best video advertising campaigns I've seen on the internet or TV:

Top 5 Viral Video Advertising Campaigns
Old Spice Guy
This old spice advertisement has been a great hit aiming at the viewer. This video consists of some visual tricks and an interesting appeal that really attracts audiences in turn, making viewers want to share with other people.
T-Mobile's Royal Wedding
T-Mobile's rendition of 2011's Prince William and Kate Middleton's wedding was a major hit. T-mobile made the most out of the event by basing their ad on their own rendition of the beautiful ceremony. Throwing viewers off on exceptional lookalikes and fun and up beat music has attracted many viewers leaving them amazed as they spread the news of the new version of the royal wedding.
The Force, Volkswagen
The infamous and imaginary Star Wars character have long been used in countless advertisements over the years. In this clip expresses the frustration of child until his father arrives in his Volkswagen giving the young boy joy and a happy ending which is to irresistible to not pass on to others via social networks.
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Tipp-Ex: Bear Hunter
This interactive viral video ad which lasts much longer than a normal advertisement leaving a choice to either click through to another video or see what happens, it is all up to you! This has to be the one of the cleverest of all video advertisements out there to date. Unlike some other advertisements that lose your interest after a few minutes, this video continues to appeal to the viewers as they sit flabbergasted by the amazing stunts.
Honda's Ferris Bueller's Day off
Last but not least, Matthew Broderick's Honda commercial shown during this past Super Bowl seemed to be a great hit. This rendition from the first hit movie, Ferris Bueller's Day Off in 1986 used elements from the original film while adding its own twists. Following his day off, Broderick captured audience's attention as he showcased the fun and excitement one could have in their new Honda.