All the modern web browsers provide the facility of saving login information of various websites on browser itself. They save the username and password and when you visit that website, you do not need to fill the login credentials. The username appears in texts and the password appears hidden asterisks.

This is a useful feature for sure but if you get used to of this too much then it can create problems too. For example, you can even forget the password of your account as you are not typing it since a long time. This is usually happens in the case of passwords of WiFi devices.

So, if someday you would like to see what is the password hidden in your web browser then, there is a simple trick to do that which is explained below in the video. You can also check the steps given below the video if you would like to read instead of watching the video.

HOW TO : Find the Saved and Hidden Passwords in Browser (Video Tutorial)

HOW TO : Find the Saved Passwords Hidden under Asterisks in Browser

1. Right Click on the text field where the password is filled.

2. Click on the Inspect Element from the options available.

3. A document inspector window will be opened in the lower part of the browser. Look for the code type="password".

4. Double click on it and then change it to type="text".

5. Now press the Enter key to save the change.

6. Have a look on the login credential field now. The password should be appearing in text there.

You can use the same steps for all browsers like Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari. For the Internet Explorer, the steps are a bit different and explained below.

In the Internet Explorer, press the F12 key first to open the Developer Tools window. After that, press the Ctrl+B to activate the element selection mode which will perform the same task as Inspect Element in another browsers. Now, follow the same above steps to reveal the hidden password in browser.