We all love to make money but the more important thing is to spend and save the earned money wisely. If you do not keep track of your expenses, earning and things related to finance then, you really need to. And if you find it a difficult task then, here is a good news for you.

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Personal Capital are out with their offiicial smartphone app using which you can easily keep track of all your finance and money related activities. This mobile application is aavailable for the iPhone, iPad and the Android smartphone and tablets.

Personal Capital smartphone app is available for free to download and use.  Using this free smartphone app, you can easily track all your income, spending, savings and performance of your investments. It helps users manage their money by giving a holistic view of all of their accounts. It also let you to see where you could save money by identifying mutual fund fees

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The best thing about Personal Capital smartphone app is that it  provides all the details about your finance in an easy to understand chart and tables. Even if you are not good with finance and economics, like me, you can easily understand all the details of your personal finances using this app.

So, it can easily help you in managing and improving your financial state by helping you in saving the money you have already.

Few of the highlighted features of the nice finance smartphone app are Portfolio Performance, Mobile App opportunities, Asset Allocation, 401k Free Organizer, Investment Check Up, Mutual Fund Fee Calculator and Universal Check Up.

If you are looking for an app to manage your finances then, this is a must have smartphone app for you. Give it a try and you will find it useful for sure.
