How many tools do you have in your media toolbox? It doesn’t take a web marketer to have a plethora of tools, resources and apps you use on a daily basis. If your technology plate is overflowing, you’re not alone. Today’s consumers have an abundance of options when it comes to consuming content, and they’re taking advantage of each and every one of them. Not only do we have more options when it comes to the methods we use to consume media, but we’re consuming it at an increasingly rapid pace.
Up to 2003, the world had generated 5 billion gigabytes of data—total. Today, we can generate that much data in a mere 10 minutes! Just think about video: Only a few years ago, you probably headed to the local video rental store if you wanted to watch the latest movie release. Or, you settled for whatever was on TV. Today, the whole realm of media is at your fingertips, instantly obtainable via the lightning-fast Internet connections we have today. (Dial-up? What’s dial-up? You mean you actually had to connect to the Internet using a phone line?)
The leaps and bounds the world has made in terms of content consumption over the last decade are astounding. Take a look at the Internet infographic below for more information on the content evolution!
Infographic provided by TorchBrowser which is a free and unique software that offers you powerful browsing together with built-in media downloading and sharing features. Visit to download torrent files with TorchBrowser.
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How Internet Addiction Is Affecting Our Brain (Infographic)
How Social Media is Ruining Our Minds (Infographic)
How the Internet and Social Media has Changed the World (Infographic)

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Up to 2003, the world had generated 5 billion gigabytes of data—total. Today, we can generate that much data in a mere 10 minutes! Just think about video: Only a few years ago, you probably headed to the local video rental store if you wanted to watch the latest movie release. Or, you settled for whatever was on TV. Today, the whole realm of media is at your fingertips, instantly obtainable via the lightning-fast Internet connections we have today. (Dial-up? What’s dial-up? You mean you actually had to connect to the Internet using a phone line?)
The leaps and bounds the world has made in terms of content consumption over the last decade are astounding. Take a look at the Internet infographic below for more information on the content evolution!
Infographic provided by TorchBrowser which is a free and unique software that offers you powerful browsing together with built-in media downloading and sharing features. Visit to download torrent files with TorchBrowser.
Also Check :
How Internet Addiction Is Affecting Our Brain (Infographic)
How Social Media is Ruining Our Minds (Infographic)
How the Internet and Social Media has Changed the World (Infographic)
How to Create A Nice Infographic for Marketing Campaign

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