Google+ is now a bigger and better social networking after opening of everyone. Lots of people are joining to Google+ and many of them are even deleting their Facebook accounts as they are really having a better option now (If you are still not on Google+ then take a look at the Google+ Features and request an invite to Google+). But if you used to be a heavy user then there are chances that you are having lots of photos on your Facebook albums. And if you want to add all those in your Facebook profile too then, it can be a tiring job.
But now there is an easy solution for this. Move2Picasa is a Google Chrome browser extension which let you upload all of your Facebook images on Picasa. Once they are on Picasa, you can easily include and post those images on your Google+ profile.

Move2Picasa is also having the option to select images while uploading. So, if you do not want to upload any particular photo from your Facebook albums to Google+ then, you can easily do that. It is the fastest and easiest way to upload your Facebook images to your Google+ profile.
Install Move2Picasa
You can also get the step-by-step procedure to move the Facebook photos to Google+ on BlogOTech
But now there is an easy solution for this. Move2Picasa is a Google Chrome browser extension which let you upload all of your Facebook images on Picasa. Once they are on Picasa, you can easily include and post those images on your Google+ profile.
Move2Picasa is also having the option to select images while uploading. So, if you do not want to upload any particular photo from your Facebook albums to Google+ then, you can easily do that. It is the fastest and easiest way to upload your Facebook images to your Google+ profile.
Install Move2Picasa
You can also get the step-by-step procedure to move the Facebook photos to Google+ on BlogOTech