There has been a debate raging over the last few years as to which operating system is better - Google's Android or Apple's iOS. Of course, users will back the platform that they are currently using, but which one is actually on the right track, and provides better value for money? The best way to determine which operating system would best suit your needs is to look at the faults of each system, and determine which would annoy you the least. We already know that Android has complete flexibility due to it being open source, while Apple pretty much has everything mapped out and working in their way. Let's look at some of the things that each side lacks:

iOS vs Android – Who Will Win?
- iOS is locked
This system is sturdy and can do almost anything you would hope for (well besides playing Flash), but you are given almost no freedom for tweaking and customising it. Apple is smarter than you and knows what makes a good system, but there are occasions where you feel that your creativity could allow something to be smoother.
- Choice
Ok, so there are a lot of apps available but what about some more choice when it comes to the device itself. You are either getting the iPad or iPhone with the operating system, which leaves you no room to be fussy when it comes to the camera or other multimedia extras. Your choice here is basically based on the amount of storage space and the connectivity that you would prefer (Wi-Fi or mobile broadband).
Also Read :
Top 5 Reasons Why Android is (Much) Better than Apple iOS
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Ideas that Apple Bought, Borrowed and Stole (Infographic)
- Confusion
Every company that produces hardware which supports Android can basically tailor it to their liking. This may be awesome for them, but it also means that the entire system could look different on each device. There is no consistency in terms of layout so Google is unable to prevent someone from launching a product with an outdated version of their operating system.
- Guidance
Nobody knows the product better than its creator and many critics believe that Google should give guidelines on how to get the most out of Android. They, of course, can't force anyone to change things as it is open source, but if the guidelines are met and the user experience improves, they would be under pressure to keep up with the competition.

At the moment, iOS and Android enjoy an extensive lead over their competition and with two decent systems in place, it’s hard to see users making a sudden switch from one to the other. In all honesty, it is Windows, BlackBerry and Nokia who have their work cut out for them should they wish to take a slice of this valuable pie.