The iPhone itself does not present a significant technological advantage over its predecessors. There is nothing awe inspiring about the hardware, and the brilliant retina display may be a bit overkill for such a small viewing area. However, in spite of this the iPhone continues to be the most sought after smartphone on the market for both regular users and aspiring professionals.
The reason is quite simple. The iPhone has the largest mobile app catalog in the world, providing owners with the control to customize their phones and take advantage of the thousands of creative life hacks developed by software engineers. These apps have become essential for small business owners, allowing their companies to be better organized while at the same time utilizing social media to enhance service. The following are 5 such must have iPhone apps for small business owners:
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Best iPhone Apps For A Small Business Owner
1. Square
Providing customers with flexible payment options is vital to the growth and health of your small business. Square is an app for the iPhone, iPad, and iTouch that allows you to process credit card right on your Apple device. The app is free to download and a nominal fee is charged on a per transaction basis. For small businesses that rely on in person service, consultation, or product delivery, Square gives your business and customers the ease and security of a credit card payment.
2. Skype

The importance of face to face meetings is paramount for small businesses trying to establish a personal relationship. However, as more and more small businesses are gaining access to a global market, many client rosters contain contacts that are simply impossible to meet with in person, and the cost of transportation is too burdensome for a fledgling enterprise.
Skype provides an avenue to connect with global customers and businesses through video chat at no cost to either party. In fact, Skype and similar video chat programs are quickly replacing traditional phone services due to the low cost of internet bandwidth versus long distance phone connections.
3. Documents to Go

Documents to Go allows you to access and edit Microsoft Office files from your mobile phone. The app is flexible enough to handle a variety of file types, and can be synchronized with Google Docs and edit PDFs. Unlike other cloud services that are not compatible with Microsoft Office, Documents to Go is not free.
However, the company provides a regular and premium tier at fair prices, and given the ubiquitous of Word, Excel, and Powerpoint, is an essential feature for most professionals.
4. LinkedIn

Considered by most professionals to be the Facebook of business connections, having a LinkedIn app on your mobile is a critical tool to help you stay in contact with industry insiders and business peers. The app provides access to your account and keeps you abreast of updates, notifications, and messages sent to your account.
For small businesses who depend on social media for >marketing and engaging customers, the Twitter and Facebook apps are equally important for building a relationship with clients.
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5. Quickbooks or Freshbooks

Small business owners that use Quickbooks to manage their payments can also download an app for their mobile device. The Quickbooks iPhone app can then synchronize with your desktop or laptop software and keep your payment records accurate and up to date. By the same token, the Freshbooks app provides the same synching capability for invoice records, and the MiniBooks Lite app can be utilized to keep track of your clients.