Apps are a great way to learn things. They are great because you can take them wherever you are. You put apps on your iPad, iPhone, Blackberry, and any of your devices. If you are interested in learning more about things, you should consider looking at these different apps. Apps are great ways to learn about anything that you want to. They can also aid you in your studies if you are a college student. Take a look at these apps and prepare for your mind to be blown!
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Top 5 Educational Apps
1. Word Lens.
This is a great app if you want to learn a new language. It instantly translates signs from one language into another language. This can be helpful if you are in a foreign place. This can also be great for teachers that want to set up a scavenger hunt for their language students.2. Molecules
If you are in a science class, this app is a must. It lets you look at and change 3D models of several different molecules. You can see how different molecules are composed and visually understand how they work.3. Blackboard Mobile Learn
This is great for any college student or high school student that uses Blackboard. It lists the courses and the readings that you have to do for your classes. Users can also email the professors with their classes. This is a great app to help you keep up with your classes on the go.4. Today in History
This is a great app if you are interested in history. It lists all of the different events in history that happened on each day. It also lists important people that are born that day. Even if you don't like history, this is a great app so you can make it seem like you know tons of different facts.5. Math Ref Free
If you are having troubles with math, you should definitely get this app. This app helps you with the different formulas that you should know for math classes. It has over 600 tips, figures, and examples to help you.All of these apps are free. They are great apps to help you if you are a student or if you are looking to help your brain stay sharp. These apps will take less than 5 minutes to download and they will change the way your study. Stop sitting around watching TV shows, get these apps and help yourself.
About the Author
Neltje Maynez is a writer for My Colleges and Careers is one of the best sites for you to visit when you are considering the best online universities.
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