As announced earlier, Google and Wikipedia are protesting now against the SOPA and PIPA on their USA sites. Reddit is also going to join them in the next 3 hours by pausing their service as the protest against SOPA (Stop Online Piracy Act).

Google is showing the protest with a new black Google Doodle which covers the Google logo entirely. The homepage of the Google protesting SOPA is shown below.

Also Check :

How Does SOPA (Stop Online Piracy Act) Work (Infographic)

HOW TO : Bypass SOPA Restriction Using DeSopa Firefox Add-On

HOW TO : Blackout Blogger/Blogspot Blog Against SOPA & PIPA

Google & Wikipedia Goes Dark Against SOPA
Wikipedia is showing a message on its homepage for the world against the SOPA and how it will affect the world of free knowledge and the Internet. Wikipedia is also asking to support the cause by sharing about it on the Facebook, Twitter and Google+. Have a look at the Wikipedia homepage.

Google & Wikipedia Goes Dark Against SOPA

Hope that it will help the cause and more people will join the protest against the SOPA and PIPA for the existence of a free Internet