It seems as if everyone is boasting about the Lytro cameras and its new capabilities. Yes, it contains great new features that were unheard of before its existence, but too many people will focus solely on these advancements and ignore the features, qualities and capabilities it lacks.

The Lytro boasts an impressive, long-lasting battery. This is great for anyone who loves taking a lot of photos. The downfall to this is that the Lytro can only be charged via USB. While this may not seem like that big of a problem, it can be to those who do a lot of traveling and do not constantly have access to a computer. Plus, this simply means that your laptop computerneeds to be charged. It would just be more convenient if the Lytrohad a regular wall charger.
If you have a PC, don't bother investing in a Lytro —it won't work on your computer. Currently, Lytros are only compatible with Mac devices, such as computers or iPads. While Mac computers and devices are popular, plenty of people still use PCs. It seems strange to limit the accessibility of such an innovative device to one type of computer. The Lytro could generate a bigger audience if it was made useful for everyone.
There are only two places you can see the photos you've taken. The first is on the camera itself, and the second is on the Lytrowebsite. You cannot upload your photos to a folder on your desktop. Instead, you have to place them on the Lytro website. From there, you can embed them on other personal websites or even add them to Facebook, but that's it. Rather than send a picture as an email attachment to a friend, you have to send them a link to your photo album on the Lytro website.
Lytro may be advanced in that it allows users to take photos and focus them later, but this innovation limits the type of photos that can be taken. Because of its technology, the Lytro cameras cannot capture moving objects that well, so users are better off keeping this camera at home when attending sporting events.
Since theLytro camera works by capturing the entire light field, your pictures will only turn out great if you have great lighting. If you try to take pictures at night or in poorly dimmed locations, your photos will not turn out.
Don't get us wrong. We're very impressed with the Lytro camera, but we're not going to kiss the ground it walks on simply because its new and exciting. Yes, its technology and its capabilities are unlike any of its predecessors, and for that it deserves some admiration. We simply feel that though it has its strong points, it also has its weaknesses. When these kinks are worked out, the Lytro camera will be that much more amazing. And that's a camera we'll jump on board with.

Five Things We Don’t Love about the Lytro
1. USB Only Charge
The Lytro boasts an impressive, long-lasting battery. This is great for anyone who loves taking a lot of photos. The downfall to this is that the Lytro can only be charged via USB. While this may not seem like that big of a problem, it can be to those who do a lot of traveling and do not constantly have access to a computer. Plus, this simply means that your laptop computerneeds to be charged. It would just be more convenient if the Lytrohad a regular wall charger.
2. Solely Mac Compatible
If you have a PC, don't bother investing in a Lytro —it won't work on your computer. Currently, Lytros are only compatible with Mac devices, such as computers or iPads. While Mac computers and devices are popular, plenty of people still use PCs. It seems strange to limit the accessibility of such an innovative device to one type of computer. The Lytro could generate a bigger audience if it was made useful for everyone.
3. Website Only Viewing
There are only two places you can see the photos you've taken. The first is on the camera itself, and the second is on the Lytrowebsite. You cannot upload your photos to a folder on your desktop. Instead, you have to place them on the Lytro website. From there, you can embed them on other personal websites or even add them to Facebook, but that's it. Rather than send a picture as an email attachment to a friend, you have to send them a link to your photo album on the Lytro website.
4. No Sports Photography
Lytro may be advanced in that it allows users to take photos and focus them later, but this innovation limits the type of photos that can be taken. Because of its technology, the Lytro cameras cannot capture moving objects that well, so users are better off keeping this camera at home when attending sporting events.
5. Lighting is Everything
Since theLytro camera works by capturing the entire light field, your pictures will only turn out great if you have great lighting. If you try to take pictures at night or in poorly dimmed locations, your photos will not turn out.
Don't get us wrong. We're very impressed with the Lytro camera, but we're not going to kiss the ground it walks on simply because its new and exciting. Yes, its technology and its capabilities are unlike any of its predecessors, and for that it deserves some admiration. We simply feel that though it has its strong points, it also has its weaknesses. When these kinks are worked out, the Lytro camera will be that much more amazing. And that's a camera we'll jump on board with.