Everyone knows what a geek is, but few know that there are actually several types of geek. For example, when the average person thinks of a geek, they imagine someone who is good with computers. This could include the Das Ubergeek, who is extremely knowledgeable with Linux and computer coding. On the other hand, the Apple Fan-boy Geek is just as good with computers, but would never be caught dead using anything that isn't an official Apple product.
Some geeks don't involve the use of technology at all, like the Cosplay Geek. These individuals would much rather spend their time showing off their battle axes or watching obscure anime with characters they can dress up as later.
Some Star Wars and Trekkie geeks tend to fall in the cosplay category too. While not all of them dress up, they share a deep love and borderline obsession with the classic movies and shows. Despite this, the two are constantly at war with each other, knowing that only one geek can truly rule beyond the stars.
Source : BestCollegesOnline.org
Also Check :
Geeks vs. Nerds (Infographic)
Geeks vs. Hipsters (Infographic)
Top 15 Geek Quotes & Sayings
Some geeks don't involve the use of technology at all, like the Cosplay Geek. These individuals would much rather spend their time showing off their battle axes or watching obscure anime with characters they can dress up as later.
Some Star Wars and Trekkie geeks tend to fall in the cosplay category too. While not all of them dress up, they share a deep love and borderline obsession with the classic movies and shows. Despite this, the two are constantly at war with each other, knowing that only one geek can truly rule beyond the stars.
Source : BestCollegesOnline.org
Also Check :
Geeks vs. Nerds (Infographic)
Geeks vs. Hipsters (Infographic)
Top 15 Geek Quotes & Sayings