According to the studies, Pinterest makes a huge impact on user's online shopping. Knowing this, Pinterest started a feature of putting price tag on the product images. For example if you are pinning images of digital cameras then, you can also mention the price of the device on its image using a simple trick.
This is specially good for the brand pages mentioning the price of their products or the people who are interested in using Pinterest for affiliate marketing purpose.
When a user uses the price tag feature on a Pinterest image then, the pin will be added to the Gifts section, which you can find on the navigation menu of the Pinterest home page. Just follow the steps shown below in the to know how to put price tag on Pinterest images. If you would like to read the instructions instead of watching the instructions in video then read the instructions given below the video.
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1. Use the Pin It bookmarklet or button to pin an image of your choice.
2. Select the image which you want to pin on your Pinterest board.
3. Now when the popup window appear to select the board on which you want to pin the image and fill the details of the image then, just use the dollar sign while writing the details of the image.
For example If you are pinning an image of camera then, then write- Canon EOS Rebel T2i $625. The moment you will mention the price, it will start appearing on the image you have selected to pin.
4. Once you are done with writing the product details, just click on the Pin It button and your pin will be posted on your Pinterest board.
Now, just open the pin you have posted and you can find the price tag appearing on the image. You can mention the price tag anywhere in details, it will work as long as there is a dollar sign in it.
So from the next time when you want to share a nice product with your Pinterest followers, it would a nice idea to mention the price of the product by putting the price tag on the Pinterest image.
This is specially good for the brand pages mentioning the price of their products or the people who are interested in using Pinterest for affiliate marketing purpose.
When a user uses the price tag feature on a Pinterest image then, the pin will be added to the Gifts section, which you can find on the navigation menu of the Pinterest home page. Just follow the steps shown below in the to know how to put price tag on Pinterest images. If you would like to read the instructions instead of watching the instructions in video then read the instructions given below the video.
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HOW TO : Put Price Tag on Pinterest Images
1. Use the Pin It bookmarklet or button to pin an image of your choice.
2. Select the image which you want to pin on your Pinterest board.
3. Now when the popup window appear to select the board on which you want to pin the image and fill the details of the image then, just use the dollar sign while writing the details of the image.
For example If you are pinning an image of camera then, then write- Canon EOS Rebel T2i $625. The moment you will mention the price, it will start appearing on the image you have selected to pin.
4. Once you are done with writing the product details, just click on the Pin It button and your pin will be posted on your Pinterest board.
Now, just open the pin you have posted and you can find the price tag appearing on the image. You can mention the price tag anywhere in details, it will work as long as there is a dollar sign in it.
So from the next time when you want to share a nice product with your Pinterest followers, it would a nice idea to mention the price of the product by putting the price tag on the Pinterest image.