When a close friend of mine began promoting Pinterest on her Facebook page, I jumped at the invitation to join. For a while, I was very interested in exploring all the Pinterest possibilities, but eventually my interest in Pinterest was outweighed by my real-life responsibilities. Since then, I've gotten regular notification of friend follows, and have even checked in periodically to see what's new in the Pinterest community. I have also reconsidered how Pinterest may be useful to me, as well as reasons why I may need to skip Pinterest altogether.

That is because my time is valuable; I must plan my days carefully and decide what I can and cannot fit into my schedule. Anyone with a busy routine must do the same, and it is for these people that I compiled my Pinterest findings. Here are the pros and cons of exploring Pinterest.

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The Pros and Cons of Pinterest

The Pros and Cons of Pinterest

Pros of Pinterest

Organization : Pinterest is a great way to keep track of all those ideas, places, and things that you would like to someday try out but that you would otherwise not be able to stow away in a safe place for later. When it comes to organizing your wants, interests, and goals, Pinterest can be a great tool.

Connection : If you are interested in interacting with like-minded people, then Pinterest is a great way to gauge others' interests and personal tastes in order to make those valuable connections.

The Visual Medium : Because Pinterest makes use of visual snapshots as its major means of "communication," its interface is pleasing to the eye, entertaining to view, and super-easy to understand and use.

Cons of Pinterest

The Time Zap : Anyone who has participated in any form of social media understands this concept. It's as if you can log into your social media account, get sucked into a time-warp and lose all track of time, if you are not careful. When considering the previously mentioned pros of Pinterest, also consider if those benefits are worth the time taken away from other, more important responsibilities.

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Personal Property Issues : As with other social media outlets, Pinterest retains rights to the images you post on the sites. Therefore, anything you "pin" on Pinterest - even if it is your personal photograph - becomes the property of Pinterest and can be used by others.

Pinterest can mean a lot of things to a lot of different people. It is up to you to weigh out the pros and cons of Pinterest in order to decide if it is a worthwhile use of time in your life.

Bernard Betit loves using social media and is watching Pinterest to see what value it may be able to add to the web world. You are likely to find Bernard sipping the oolong tea he got from goldenmoontea.com while catching up on his favorite shows and website news