Twitter is one of the busiest social network with receiving thousands of tweets every second. If you are an active Twitter user you should be tweeting tens of tweets everyday for sure. I am having an average of 42 tweets per day on my Twitter account @shaanhaider and I have tweeted more than 76.5K so far which is really huge I think.

So if you are a heavy Twitter user then, chances are that someday you would like to clean up your Twitter profile and delete some or all of the tweets for whatever reason. Twitter does not provide the feature to delete all your tweets or Direct Messages aka DM. Deleting tweets manually one by one is really a boring and hectic task. And if you got few thousand tweets posted by you then, it will take days to delete them all.

Earlier I have shared how to delete all Twitter Direct Messages in just one click. And in this post I am sharing about a Twitter app called Twitter Archive Eraser using which you can delete all your tweets together fast and easily.

The best thing about the Twitter Archive Eraser is that it also gives you the option select a particular month, hashtag or type of tweets like ReTweets to delete them only which is really useful if you want to get rid of a particular type of tweets or a hashtag campaign in which you have participated earlier etc. So, have a look on the utorial below about how to delete your all tweets easily.

HOW TO : Delete All Twitter Tweets, ReTweets and Hashtags in One Click

1. First of all, download the Twitter Archive Eraser app by visiting the link given below

2. Now, extract the files and run the Twitter Archive Eraser app on your PC. You do not need to install it.

HOW TO  Delete All Twitter Tweets in One Click

3. You need to give the permission to Twitter Archive Eraser app using the Twitter OAuth to access your Twitter account and archive to delete tweets from them. For that, mark the “I Accept” option as shown in the pic and click on the sign in button to authenticate the Twitter Archive Eraser app.

4. Now, download your Twitter Archive on your PC. If you do not know how to do that then, click on the link below and follow the instructions given on the page.

HOW TO : Download Your Twitter Archive on Your Computer

5. Once you are having your Twitter Archive file, click on the “Load/add Twitter archive file” and select your Twitter archive file to upload it on Twitter Archive Eraser.

HOW TO  Delete All Twitter Tweets in One Click

6. Now, select the months for which you would like to delete your tweets. If you want to delete all your Twitter tweets then select all months and years. After that lick on the “Next” button.

7. On the next page, you will find all the tweets you have posted in the selected timeframe. You can again uncheck any tweet from this selection if you want to keep it. You can use the Filter option to select only those having a particular term like RT, @username or any hashtag to delete only those tweets having these terms.

You can use the following parameters, without quotation marks, to search and filter the tweets.

Retweets : "^RT"

Replies : "^@\w+"

Reply to user shaanhaider : "^@shaanhaider"

Mentions : "@\w+"

Mentions of user shaanhaider : "@shaanhaider" -This will possibly return ReTweets also

Tweets containing a number with 4 digits or more : "\d{4}"

Tweets containing the word 'Hello' : "Hello"

HOW TO  Delete All Twitter Tweets in One Click

8. Once you are done with selecting all the tweets which you would like to delete, just click on the “Erase Selected Tweets” button. Now sit back, relax and all of your selected tweets will be deleted.

If you change your mind, you can also pause and resume this automatic tweet deletion process and check or uncheck tweets to make changes in the selection.

This is how you can easily delete all your Twitter tweets, just ReTweets or tweets having some particular term fast and easily in just few steps.