Techies are biting at the bit for 2012 to arrive and with good reason. There are so many new gadgets coming that even the average techie is beginning to drool. What could be so wonderful about 2012? Whether you're a gamer or smartphone junkie, your wish list is going to get quite big. Here are just five things the tech world will see in 2012.

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5 Things the Tech World Will See in 2012

5 Things the Tech World Will See in 2012

Better Smartphones

Obviously, the biggest thing the tech world will see in the way of smartphones is the release of the iPhone 5. This phone promises to be one of the best smartphones on the market, loaded with an unbelievable amount of gadgets. Of course, other brands will also get a boost thanks to the release of mobile quad core processors.

Cooler Tablets

Tablets have taken the market by storm and 2012 promises to be another great year for tablet lovers. Apple will be releasing the iPad 3, which will be lighter and have a much longer battery life. Motorola will also release the Xoom 2, which promises to have full HD support.

Awesome Video Gaming Systems

The year promises to be huge for gamers. First of all, Nintendo has promised to release the latest version of the Wii called the Wii U. Wii U will feature 1080p graphics and a new touchscreen controller. Another big addition to the gaming world are the updates from XBox. XBox will release a new system that has integrated gesture and voice controls along with Cloud storage. Last, but not least, PlayStation will release the Vita which will have touchscreen capabilities and a quad core processor.

New Operating Systems

Windows users will be thrilled to know that Microsoft will release Windows 8 in 2012. The new operating system will feature touchscreen support and an app store. Of course, that's not the only operating system to hit the market. Android devices will also begin using a new OS called Android Ice Cream Sandwich.

Social Networking Updates

Last, but not least, social networking users will begin to see more and more users using Facebook's Timeline. The update wasn't supposed to hit until 2012, but got an early start in December. However, it's still only used by a handful of users. Another social networking update will come to Twitter making the website easier to use and easier for companies to market their brand.

If you love gadgets, you better start saving your pennies now because 2012 promises to offer many must-have gadgets.

Rosario Lindauer looks forward to seeing the changes the tech world will make in 2012. When she's not following tech news she can be found working on Mac data recovery projects and system upgrades for her clients onn
