Keeping track of your cholesterol is important as you grow older and with the power of the iPhone, keeping up with cholesterol has never been easier. If you have an iPhone, there are a number of apps that you can get which will help you in regards to keeping your cholesterol under control. Using these apps successfully can allow you to enjoy your life and eat foods that you like at the same time.

Top 4 iPhone Cholesterol Apps

Cholesterol Animated Pocket Dictionary

The Best iPhone Cholesterol Tracking Apps - Cholesterol Animated Pocket Dictionary

While many people understand the basics of cholesterol, there are a lot of buzz words and terms that get thrown around in relation to it. With the Cholesterol Animated Pocket Dictionary, it is much easier to keep up with all of these terms. With the animated pocket dictionary, you get to see what each term means in a visual manner. Once you see how cholesterol affects you, you may be more likely to keep up with it and your health in general.

Cholesterol Manager

The Best iPhone Cholesterol Tracking Apps - Cholesterol Manager

Cholesterol Manager is an application for the iPhone it makes it possible for you to track your cholesterol intake. With this app, you can easily keep track of the foods that you eat and the amount of cholesterol that you are consuming.

It summarizes everything for you in an easy-to-understand format. This is an easy app to use and it also can be very powerful in tracking your cholesterol and fats intake.

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Cholesterol Coach

The Best iPhone Cholesterol Tracking Apps - Cholesterol Coach

Cholesterol Coach is an app that is designed to make it easier for you to understand the impact of cholesterol on your health and how changes can impact you. Many people who suffer heart attacks or similar health conditions find themselves in need of monitoring and understanding their cholesterol.

This application is for those people who want to understand the cholesterol does and how to get it under control. It helps you come up with target levels for cholesterol depending on your unique health situation and age.

Cholesterol Tracker

The Best iPhone Cholesterol Tracking Apps - Cholesterol Tracker

Cholesterol Tracker makes it easy for anyone to track their cholesterol intake on a daily basis. This allows you to track your LDL, HDL and triglycerides. After getting a result on the app, you can also tag notes so that you can refer back to them later.

This application has also been optimized to conserve memory for people who have older models of the iPhone. This is is one of the easier cholesterol tracking applications to use.
