There are lots of things which makes a successful website. Ignoring any of these important parts, can really harm your website. Earlier I have posted about the importance of the web design and how to improve the design of your website. And here is the second post in that series which talks about the importance of the Usability of a website and how much it can affect your business and brand identity.
It is a well known fact that Internet users are impatient and always looking for the best. Unfortunately, there are lots of competition available always for your website, does not matter how good your website is. So if your website visitor is not happy with you in any way then, he/she will leave instantly and may be, will never return again.
Here is an Infographic from the team of Ecreative Internet Marketing which talks about the major things which can reduce the usability of your site. Few of them are slow site loading time, spelling errors (can really cause harm to the reputation of your brand) and missing contact information etc. Have a look at the inforgraphic given below and decide how good is your website in terms of the usability.
Also Check :
How To Tell If Your Website Design Sucks (Infographic)
Top 5 Web Design Mistakes People Are Still Making
How to Choose a Design for Your Business Website?
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It is a well known fact that Internet users are impatient and always looking for the best. Unfortunately, there are lots of competition available always for your website, does not matter how good your website is. So if your website visitor is not happy with you in any way then, he/she will leave instantly and may be, will never return again.
Here is an Infographic from the team of Ecreative Internet Marketing which talks about the major things which can reduce the usability of your site. Few of them are slow site loading time, spelling errors (can really cause harm to the reputation of your brand) and missing contact information etc. Have a look at the inforgraphic given below and decide how good is your website in terms of the usability.
Also Check :
How To Tell If Your Website Design Sucks (Infographic)
Top 5 Web Design Mistakes People Are Still Making
How to Choose a Design for Your Business Website?
How To Tell If Your Website Usability Sucks (Infographic)
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