Using the internet is a really effective way to save money online. There are plenty of sites that offer tips on money saving on online shopping and compare product prices, finding the best deals online for consumers.
Using the net to save money happens in two main ways. Firstly, there is the direct saving you can get from sites that offer comparisons between prices. This is a quick and easy way of finding out where you can get the best deals.
The second way is indirect. These usually take the form of offering advice about ways you can save money and pointing you in the direction of good deals. Using a combination of both, you could end up saving yourself a tidy sum – but what are the best money saving websites you should use?
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This site definitely falls into the indirect category and offers a compendium of advice, hints and tips that could help you to save money. They point you in the direction of loads of great offers and other money saving sites too.
They even offer advice about how to make money quickly and there are lots of informative articles about how to save money around the home and when you’re out and about. All the information is nicely broken down into clear sections so you can find what you’re looking for quickly and easily.
This site is fronted by Martin Lewis, who you might have seen on TV or heard on the radio giving advice about where you can save cash. He’s a self-styled expert on money matters and has some really great ideas about where you can tighten your belt and claim back a few extra pounds so it’s not really surprising that this site has become really popular over the last few years.
There are lots of handy categories, like shopping, banking, travel and motoring, so you can find what areas affect you and start saving. The site also has some pretty useful and clear advice about tax matters, which as we all know, can be very confusing at times.
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This is definitely a direct way of saving money. Just enter your postcode and a few details about your utility bills and it tells you how much you could be saving instantly. This is all possible because different companies charge different rates for services, and as a consumer you have a right to choose the best deal for you.
Energy Helpline compare electricity prices and utility costs and with savings up to £346 achievable this could be two of the most profitable minutes you’ve ever spent. So why not take a few minutes out of your day to have a look around and see how much you could save?