Malware, viruses and worms continue to become increasingly sophisticated, finding innovative ways to bypass traditional security systems and obtain valuable data from businesses and individuals. Sometimes, the U.S. government inadvertently contributes to the development of these highly sophisticated worms, such as Stuxnet. Stuxnet was originally developed by the U.S. military, in conjunction with Israel, as a method to handicap Iran’s mission to develop nuclear warfare.

The worm was designed to attack only computers which were running three specific systems. By the summer of 2010, 130,000 computers worldwide were affected by Stuxnet. The effort didn’t work; Iran’s production had recovered by early 2011, and U.S. and Israeli intelligence worked to uncover potential new targets that could slow Iran’s production efforts.

By June 2012, the Stuxnet program had been ceased, but copies of the code had escaped its intended targets. Hackers made modifications, and Stuxnet is now believed to be the foundation for the next biggest security threat. Check out the following infographic from Veracode for Stuxnet’s history and what could be the next biggest threat to security.

This infographic was developed by, providers of the world's leading Application Risk Management Platform and resources such as Veracode's XSS security solutions.

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Stuxnet : Cyber Warfare in 21st Century (Infographic)
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