YouTube is one of the most popular website and video search engine as well. It provides the facility of embedding the YouTube videos on other websites and blogs. You can use this nice YouTube feature to share a YouTube video wherever you want.

But what if instead of the full YouTube video, you just want to share the audio of it on your website? YouTube does not provide any audio player to embed only the audio of a YouTube video on your blog or website.

One of the method to perform this task is to download the audio of the YouTube video or download the YouTube video first and then convert it audio only and then embed it on your blog. It is kind of long process and Google also consider downloading the YouTube video against its TOS.

HOW TO : Embed Only Audio of the YouTube  on Your Website
But if you still want to embed the audio of a YouTube video on your website then you can do that easily using a nice trick where you use the CSS style codes to hide the video inside the embedded YouTube player. By this way, only audio comes out of the player.

The best thing is that works both on desktop and mobile devices as it works on the IFRAME code to render the YouTube player. Just follow the instructions given below to embed only audio of a YouTube video on your website to use it as an audio player.

Also Check :

HOW TO : Embed YouTube Video Channel Feed in Your Blog

HOW TO : Associate Your Website with Your YouTube Channel

HOW TO : Embed Clickable Links of Your Blog in YouTube Videos

HOW TO : Embed YouTube Videos as Audio Player

1. Copy and paste the code given below in your blog post or at the place where you want the audio player to appear on your website.

<div style="position:relative;width:267px;height:25px;overflow:hidden;">
<div style="position:absolute;top:-276px;left:-5px">
<iframe width="300" height="300"

2. Now open the YouTube video page the audio of which you want to embed.

3. Copy and the YouTube video ID from the URL of the page and replace the “youtubeID” with the ID you have just copied.

4. Now save the entire widget setting or the blog post and you are good to go.

Just like the YouTube video player, you will see a YouTube logo inside the audio player. If you click on that logo, the YouTube page of that video will be opened in the browser window