Hashtags are becoming and important and integral part of social media these days. You can find nearly every major social networking site using the hashtags as it helps in enhancing the user experience and provide more useful information.

But as I said earlier, hashtags on every site is used a bit differently and what works on one social media site may not work on the other one. It can even affect the reach of your posts negatively. So, it is better to know how to use the hashtags on a particular social media site.

Few days back, I have posted how to use Twitter hashtags to get the maximum response from your followers. And here is a nice Google Plus infographic developed by EveryPost.me which provides a complete list of do’s and don’ts of using the hashtags on Google Plus and how to use the hashtags on Google Plus to get the maximum benefit.

As we already know that Google+ is smarter than other social networking sites, it includes a hashtag in your post by itself after finding the most suitable and best keyword in your post. But still, if you are an active user on Google Plus or just want to start using it then, the tips mentioned on this Google Plus infographic can really help you in getting good response. Give them a try and feel free to share your tips and views in the Comments section about using the hashtags on Google Plus.

Also Check :

How to Increase User Engagement on Google+ (Infographic)

How to Drive Traffic from Google Plus to Your Website

How to Use the Hashtags on Google+ - The Do's and Don'ts (Infographic)

How to Use the Hashtags on Google Plus - The Do's and Don'ts (Infographic) - www.ShaanHaider.comWanna Embed This Infographic In Your Blog Post? Copy & Paste The Code Given