If you are following the tech scene recently, you must be knowing that Huawei is one of the biggest smartphone brand in the world currently. It recently beat Apple iPhone for the second place in global smartphone market. In the world of ICT, Huawei is one of the major player and working extensively on 5G and Cloud technology.
Huawei works with many technology partner on various smart city projects across the world. Huawei's Wireless X-Labs is a dedicated department to work closely with startup and innovation partners for building a better future with the help of technology.
Huawei was started just 30 years ago with a total investment of around $5,000 and the brand's net worth is $7.3 billion. Huawei is constantly improving its position in various global ranking as a brand. But how big exactly is the Huawei in terms of revenue, growth, employees and other factors?
Here is a nice infographic by Emberify and two videos by Huawei and Tech Magnet sharing some great stat and information about Huawei and how huge exactly it is. Have a look on them to find out more about Huawei.
Also Check :
Huawei Connect 2017 - Highlights and Summary
How Huawei Wireless X Labs is Building a Better Connected World and Future for Us
How Huawei is Helping Operators in Emerging Markets for Better Connectivity, Social and Economic Growth

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Huawei works with many technology partner on various smart city projects across the world. Huawei's Wireless X-Labs is a dedicated department to work closely with startup and innovation partners for building a better future with the help of technology.
Huawei was started just 30 years ago with a total investment of around $5,000 and the brand's net worth is $7.3 billion. Huawei is constantly improving its position in various global ranking as a brand. But how big exactly is the Huawei in terms of revenue, growth, employees and other factors?
Here is a nice infographic by Emberify and two videos by Huawei and Tech Magnet sharing some great stat and information about Huawei and how huge exactly it is. Have a look on them to find out more about Huawei.
Also Check :
Huawei Connect 2017 - Highlights and Summary
How Huawei Wireless X Labs is Building a Better Connected World and Future for Us
How Huawei is Helping Operators in Emerging Markets for Better Connectivity, Social and Economic Growth
How Big is Huawei?

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